Thursday, 28 April 2016

Little Miss Not-So-Perfect

Her presence
makes my blood boil.
The sound of her fake laugh
makes the hairs on the back of my neck
stand up.
Her faux smile,
More like a grimace,
disgusts me.

Her eyes are mocking me:
"I can do whatever I want,
I can get away with anything!"
Why are people so blind?
Why can't they see?

Her manipulative trickery,
Her mind-games,
Why can't they see her
for who she really is?

Her fake persona,
Like a mask she wears
to fool unsuspecting strangers.
Nothing about her is authentic!
She pretends to define

But every time
she opens her mouth,
Lies pour  out.
It frustrates me,
That I am the
only one,
The only person who knows
that she isn't Little-Miss-Perfect.

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