Saturday 30 April 2016

Farewell to Winter

The rattle of cowbells
is getting louder.
Shouts, whistles and whoops
can be heard from far away.

The herd of sheep fur,
carriages and heaps of hay;
The crowd parts
as they turn the corner:

Wooden masks
with devil's horns,
Long moustaches
and daring grimaces.

Amongst the flock
there are young girls,
Hiding behind
black laced masks.

The crowd begins to follow
the strange white devils
As they carry Winter
in her coffin.

The herd finally stops
as they reach the main square,
In the middle of which
stands a mountain of fire wood.

The crowd falls silent
as the coffin is carried up,
Up to the top
of the firewood mountain.

With a glowing touch
the coffin is set ablaze.
The now dark sky
is lit up by the roaring fire.

The wild flames
burn through Winter,
Allowing the crowd
to welcome Spring.

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