Tuesday 26 April 2016

Media Distortion

"He's white,
So by default he is racist.
He's a Christian,
So naturally he stands
for all things anti-liberal,
Unable to see change.

He's a young man,
Therefore he is prejudiced
towards all women.
He lives in England,
So he must be rich."

What they don't see,
Through their distorted looking glass,
Is who he really is.
Their eyes are clouded
by the media,
Fixated on stereotypes.

He is white,
But he works for equality
across the globe.
He's a Christian,
But that makes him want to
Change the world,
To see the best in people,
To make a difference to
their lives,
To celebrate our diversity
which makes us one.

He's a young man,
A man who does not define
a person by their gender;
Who fights for Justice,
and Freedom for women.
He may be British,
But he comes from a difficult background
with no financial support,
So he has worked hard to be
Where he is today.

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